
Posted: March 6, 2012 in Uncategorized


The Pinnacle of musical Genius

Posted: February 28, 2012 in Uncategorized

Is a name just a name?

Posted: January 16, 2012 in Uncategorized

Have you ever met someone and called them a name simply because they seemed like a “john”?  Do names carry your views on certain “johns” or is there something to it. Do all Nathans  have things in common. is there a certain look to Abbys? Obviously there is variation within each name. There are stupid Nathans then there are great Nathans then there is me.  But do I “seem like a Nathan”?

I started wondering about this lately because there just seems to be patterns in my life. The people who I like wither friends or whatever tend to have certain names. I don’t really particular believe names have anything to do with who you are but I started wondering after the 5th person of the same name interested me. It’s like the world is saying you like oranges and apples, not pears and pineapples even though you may think they are great they aren’t for you. Of course being who I am I don’t like that one bit.  I want to be able to try the passion fruits, the coconuts, the mangos, ect. I want to be the one that makes the decisions and is in control. But I cant help but like my 5th orange. Not sure if this makes sense but then again I don’t care if it does or doesn’t. Because all I really want to know is why is it that after liking 4 girls with the same name I’ve found yet another one with the same name that I think I like. Is there some reason behind it? I don’t particularly like the name either. And as far as I can tell they are all completely different except for the name.

Have you ever found that you generally like “Jennies” and dislike “Crystals”? Have you found that your incredibly good friends with “Shauns, Bryans, Ryans and Dans” But not with “Johns, Adams, and Williams”?

Most likely it’s just a quinky dink. But worth looking into at the very least.

ps. I hate my name and have never liked it. Is there anyone else like that?


Quick thought

Posted: December 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

Just a little trivia. I hear a lot of people out there saying happy birthday Jesus ect ect. It’s important, to me at least, to know that Christmas isn’t when Jesus was born. It is just when it is celebrated. December 25th is actually Mithra’s birthday. Mithra was a sun god of sorts and viewed as a cult at around the same time Christianity was also viewed as a cult.
Christmas was moved to match his birthday as to help dilute Mithra’s cult followers into Christianity.

Now what does this have to do with anything? I say praise Jesus but happy birthday to Mithra on Christmas. As far as I know, we don’t know when Jesus was born so Christmas is good as a day as any to celebrate. I just don’t like the fact that people actually believe that he was born today.

That is all.

Merry Hanukkah and Happy Christmas

Posted: December 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

Doesn’t that just sound weird? Well I’m digging it so I’m rolling with it. Bunch of randoms:

1. Grades A, A-. B.
2. Fairly happy with that considering I did it “my way”.
3. 6 more fantasy books read since the last “blog”. All of them pretty good.
4. Some things you try and escape. At some point after running away fro years you have to wonder why.
5. Beard is reaching epic status. (I just cant catch up to my dad, which is really bumming me out. Least mines red. )
6. Wowzers I actually got paid well for coaching water polo at LHS.
7. I avoided every get together I could so far this holiday season because I’m tried of other people always looking better than I remember, and me looking worse.
8. Instead I have a new gym membership and so far I’ve gone 2 hours a day.
9. Not shaving my beard till some one that matters tells me I should/have to.
10. I’ve been playing quite a bit of BF3. Mostly because its SWEET. I almost forget how well the game looks too.

11. This is just really really really good.

12. Merry Hanukkah and Happy Christmas. May your new year make all your dreams come true!


I’m sitting around just thinking random things when it comes to me that my Fantasy book collection is really starting to take a life of its own. In the last few years I’ve quadrupled the amount of Fantasy books I own. Here is a quick peek at most of them:


I really got back into reading maybe two or three years ago. It was a good way to escape where I was and was very enriching at the same time. Afterwards I really haven’t been able to put the books down and i have no complaints.

This is a photo of the first book in each series I have:


At first glance a few books might pop out. Despite what the covers may look like you always have to understand that the cover is designed to sell to a certain audience. Redwall is obviously the one here that was pandered to the youngest audience. All the rest are pretty much written for adults. Some of these books are very much for adults.  If I were to take each book and just choose by the look of it I would defiantly choose the first law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.  it just happens to be the books I’m reading now.


An excellent trilogy. The writing is much easier to follow, the characters are the driving force of the story. The author was originally a psychologist and it comes out with some impressive characters with real world problems and one with a sort of multiple personality disorder that is really by far my favorite character in the books. Logan Nine Fingers aka the Bloody Nine. I’m not quite done yet but I should be tonight or tomorrow. At the moment it’s my third or fourth favorite.

The Best of the Best:


One of the things about Fantasy series is that they always seem to start as reasonable sized books, and soon turn into something else all together. Books that are so long, so thick (a few of my friends would take this opportunity to say: that’s what she said) that they scare away many readers and seem to take the reader on as epic a journey as the characters in the books. This isn’t all together damning but it defiantly doesn’t help imo.

If I had to rank these so far here would be my order:

Steven Erikson: Malzapan Book of the fallen

George RR Martin: Game of Thrones

Ann Bishop: Blood Jewel Trilogy

Joe Abercrombie: The first Law Trilogy

Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson: Wheel of Time

Glen Cook: The Black Company

Kate Elliot: Spirit Gate Trilogy

George Lucas: Chronicles of the Shadow war

Brian Jaques: Redwall (way too many of these) = Terry Goodkind: Sword of Truth(way to many of these)

Can’t say I really encourage anyone to read the last two. Redwall at least has a place in one’s childhood. Representing the first introduction to novel-reading and the good guys always win. Sword of Truth just gets boring as hell. Which is a shame as it has a great premise for the story but really drag on well past its welcome. Around 11 books with some extras to round it out at 13. A love story that works then doesn’t then works then doesn’t then they lose their memory and starts all over again. I just lose interest maybe 7 books in.



Other thoughts: Of these books both Steven Erikson’s Mazalpan book of the fallen, and Joe Abercrombie’s First law trilogy were the first books they ever wrote. One book one masterpiece. That sort of ability to write is intimidating to say the least.

One of the things I hate most about writing, not just stories but even messages and letters ect is how people read into your writing like they know what your thinking or the hardships or the great times going on in your life when you write them. I just think it’s incredibly selfish to think you know what the other person is thinking. Why they choose to write what they did or how they got there in the first place.

Give people a chance and they might surprise you. Let them explain themselves. Cast not judgment on those that are on the same level as you. Cast not judgment on those on levels below you. They are the ones that are trying and trying is never a bad thing in my book. The only thing it teaches them is to stop trying.

I’ve been trying to give this Dub-step stuff a chance. I know a few people who really like it. I hate to listen to just one song and discredit a whole genre. I’ve found good country songs, good rap songs, why should it be any different for anything else? Luckily it isn’t I found a few good songs(al be it not many) but here is one that I Like:

A closer look

Posted: October 17, 2011 in Uncategorized

I have to admit I feel kinda bad. I’ve been on a roll in this anatomy class I’m taking. First there was the Lecture quiz that I did in eight minutes and only missed 1 of 40 questions. Then there was a the Lab quiz that I was late to, the grad student took pity and handed out the quiz everyone had been working on for 5 mins anyhow. I finish it first and sit around for 10 or so mins waiting for people to finish. Found out tonight I got 100% and the average grade on it was 55%. Teacher said he was going to curve it but one student got a 100% so he didn’t. Oppps. Then there was the test that started today at 12:10. I finished it in around 15 mins. 80 Questions, might have missed 2, but I’m pretty sure I shifted through the answers well enough to get those right. Go to Lab tonight and everyone was confused as hell about what we were doing. I knew what we were doing but I decided to play dumb with my lab partners. I just didn’t want to say this shit is easy and have to explain everything. So dumb I played. Fell for it they did. And we took maybe 4 times as much time doing lab but I was okay with that because I felt that it was better for my lab partners. Plus I had nothing to do. At this point I dunno if I need to just stop studying, as I’m not actually doing too much of that, or just continue on.

On to more interesting stuff. As everyone who knows me knows, I listen to Trance. Not exclusively but it’s getting worse and worse. In fact when I was at the wedding reception for one of my good friends I was sitting there saying to myself, I might actually have a good time dancing if there was some trance. Then I thought what a weird thing to think of.  A marriage reception with trance and light shows. I would love it, but it just wouldn’t work. People are so closed-minded about these things. The old people would be like “WTF”, the young people would be like “what? No dub-step”, and the middle age people would be wondering where the 80’s pop was.

My next thought was I wonder if I’ll ever get married. The more I think about it, the more I think not. I’m always the guy that all my friends are like “Hey at your wedding we can…wait what did I say? Your never getting married.” I don’t know what to think about that actually. naturally most everyone on this planet longs to find that match to share their life with. I’m no different, so it sucks to think about never getting married. Not having kids is kinda weird as well, but it’s okay as long as you have lots of good dogs. To look at a bit closer you have to look at the steps to getting married.

1. You have to get in a relationship first.

(This is one a lot of young people kinda skip. They just go straight to getting married. And I’m talking about a serious relationship here, one that requires sacrifice ect.)

a. To get this you need to have desirable traits and like it or not you have to physically appeal to some one. Now I tend to think I’m fairly attractive and fairly interesting so I’d think no problems there.

b. You have to attract some one your attracted to as well. Big freaking problem here. I’m just not that attracted to very many girls out there. I don’t know if this is some sort of mental or physical problem of mine or just chance. In the almost two years that I’ve been single I’ve been tempted to ask someone on a date zero times. Zero. I’ve been interested but not to the point were I think it would work. Takes two to tango unfortunately.

c. The world has to align in such a way that the above can work. Good luck with that.

2. You have to be in said relationship long enough to feel that you could work with that person and really make a go at it. To me there is no going back you make it work. So you have to be sure. This entails moving out seeing if you can actualyl handle the person 24 hours a day. Some times people are great in short bursts but when you seem them for more than say 5 hours at a time you just want to shot yourself.

3. If you’re a decent person you have to get both families permission/blessing.

4. Get the deed done and get married, no easy task in and of itself.


Seeing that my life style isn’t conducive of meeting anyone, and the amount of time I devote to water polo. Looks like I’m going to be married to the game. I guess I’m having my 12 anniversary this year. And it sucks to love something that doesn’t love you back. It’s going to be a long life I’m open for anything but the chances are slim to nill.

Doesn’t help that I would want to play at least some trance at the reception after daydreaming how cool it would be.

Speaking of trance I was listening to a mix from 2004 and the ending track really reached out and grabbed my soul. It’s a remix of a very creepy/mystical song. My first thought was Circ Du Soleil. Well I love the track really captures my feeling of the last month or two. Here is the vocal track: (warning this may creep you out so keep an open mind when listening to it)


And here is the Remix version:


After listening to the original maybe 20 times I feel I like it better and I could do a better job remixing it. But so is life. Give the song a shot, hell if you read this you can listen to the song!


Posted: October 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

So the last book in this series I’m reading is only for sale in the hardcover and big paperback size. This is simply unacceptable. I don’t want a book that is twice the size of all the rest of this 10 book series. I want a mass market paper book edition!!  Why on earth would you not come out with that on the double? Is it because the larger one is more expensive? Do you have to wait for a year and a half for a normal sized book? First hardcover then big ass paper back then normal sized? Thats Intolerable, inconceivable even!  Guess I have to pull the old buy the huge book read it and then give it to the library ploy. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Top 10 Trance Mixes

10. Electronic Arcitecture part 2   Solarstone

9. Deep-End-Then  Chlorophil

8.  Once Upon a Night    Ferry Corsten

7.  Shivers  Armin Van Buuren

6.  The Producer Thrillseekers

5.  Essencial Mix  John 00 Fleming

4.  The DJ  Thrillseekers

3.  On the Beach Vol.1. Armin Van Buuren

2.  Airwave (voices of spring 2006) Project GT

1.  On the Terrace Chill   Sulounger


Tears of the sky: Justice

Posted: October 7, 2011 in Uncategorized

As the noose was draped over Tion’s covered face he could feel it drag and weigh down his neck like a chain of lead. He thought of nothing but his family, the family he stole bread to feed. He had almost gotten away with it, but was caught by the city guard as he was weaving in and out of the side streets. He had thought he could use the crowds to cover his escape, but as luck would have it, they did nothing but slow him down and alert the watch. When cornered in that dark alley, with no way out but through the three guards that had closed in on him, he had felt trapped. Just like  a bear in the winter time, when the hunting party entered its cave, they eliminated all routes of escape and forced it to fight free. They had slide out their curved blades and yelled as they charged him. Tion’s natural instinct was to protect himself and as they charged he bent over and picked up the rock he had almost tripped on as he skidded to a halt in front of the dead-end. He fired it as fast as he could at the closest guard. After the throw, time had seemed to bend and stretch. It flew ever so slowly straight for one of the guards eyes. Tion could hear the slimy crack as the rock met the guard’s eye socket and smashed it in. The man fell like a sack of potatoes and crashed onto the pave stones. Tion tried to run past the guards but he last thing he remembered was a gleaming brass sword guard swinging down to hit his head.

He awoke in a dark and dirty cell awaiting judgment in a city where the only punishment was death. There were no windows, no light but a torch in the hallway outside the cell. No cell mate to pass the time, to commiserate with. No, Emizara had never been a city with filled dungeons. Justice was dealt within one week every time. In fact the only reason it wasn’t dealt with on the streets was to make a public spectacle of the executions. To constantly reinforce that rules would be enforced. Tion knew what was awaiting him, he had seen it countless times before. He knew his head would be covered before even leaving this blasted cell. He would never again get to see the light of day. He would never again get to see his family and that was what hurt him the most.

No, there was no more time now. The noose wrapped round his neck. The crowds hollering and hooting, crying and jeering. It was funny how the crowd would cheer his death on. Oh there were the few that knew him. They begged the guards and people to stop. But their voices were drowned in the sea of noise. No, the mob would rule his last moments. As his ears tried desperately to single out his loved ones, Tion thought he might have heard Silana, his wife screaming. He imagined their son Mirko, clinging to her side. He was so young. Tion would never get to see his son grow into a man. He would never get to….


Mirko quickly looked away, but couldn’t hide from the snap of the rope, the drop of the floor, and cheers of the mob as his father was hung just twenty feet in front of him. He hid his face in his mothers dress and felt her tremble and heard her scream as she fell to her knees, brining him down with her. His father had always seemed so invincible, so very stong. Yes he had stolen food last week, but it had been to feed his family. Mirko remembered that day when he had looked up to his father and complained about how hungry he was. Now he would never complain again. No amount of food was worth loosing his father. In an instant the four and a four and a half-year old boy, aged a decade. For he had learned the secret to Emizara’s justice. Justice was blind. It cared not what it destroyed. It cared not why, nor whom. Justice was cruel. Justice was absolute. And from that moment on, Mirko never wanted anything to do with it.


(Little bit of the stuff I’ve written. It’s a dark fantasy epic, with magic, politics, intrigue, romance, wars, and the like.  The story is completely finished but I just recently settled on character names. Now it is time to flesh it out and try to make it somewhat readable. Thankfully my solitude and depression has yet again garnered a blooming of creativity. I just hate that it always seems to come to that. Oh well, I don’t care if anyone likes this stuff, it is soul soothing work. But I’ll need help learning how to paint a more believable story.)

Life in 2020

Posted: September 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

What will life be like in well 9 years?

One things for sure, you’ll be 9 years older. I guess that makes me 35.    Wow 35 there is a lot of growing up to do in 9 years. Will there be a family, a loved one, a house, a dog, a life outside of school and obsession. Will I still feel the same way in 9 years as I do now? what is my 9 year plan?     So many years so much change.

The next 9 years will mean the next industrial and cultural revolution in America or will be the end of America. Change is a constant as much as things always seem to stay the same.  Same problems different solutions.  Depending on the way things go in the world will have a huge impact on our “American way of life”. I hope I can still take a part of my Obsession (Water Polo). I really want to start a competitive club in the tri-valley area. One with try outs and multiple coaches and the ability to really push the boys and girls on the teams.

By then I’ll be out of school and either a teacher or an artist, conceptualist, or shop owner. Two of the three give me the ability to travel, pursue my water polo love, and want to attempt to write or draw. No matter what I’ll be totally independent and “grown-up” in 9 years.

I’m considering moving out in the next few months at the detriment of school ect just to get out and be able to breathe. Most people who have moved out already seem to think one like me likes it at home or that it just works. It doesn’t. It’s just the only financially stable way atm.

In 9 years the planet will either change to a more green outlook or be a large trash can for all of our trash. Gasoline will be either substituted or rare, polar ice caps will either be in complete recession or growing, My beard will either be there, or not.

In 9 years my belief in people will have been challenged and held up. Good and bad things will have happened in the world but never only one.

Every single day that any human lives something else has to die to feed it. Lots of food will be consumed hopefully the agricultural movement will continue to advance at a rate to feed the overpopulated world.

In a perfect world in 9 years America would not be run by a 2 party system that begs for corruption anymore.

In 9 years I will have lost friends and family to the only truth of life, death.

In 9 years will the mile world record have been broken?? (maybe not)

Perhaps America will win a World cup or at least make it to the finals.

I Hope USA Polo will have finally captured the all elusive Mens championship.

Movies might be interactive personal experiences.

Maybe they will stop making movies in all cheesy cgi?? (one can only hope)

In 9 years Jurassic park will be 27 years old.. (This is a big landmark for people who remember when it came out!)

In 9 years there is high possibility of another world conflict, and unavoidable natural disaster.

In 9 years we will be 21 years late from the take over by machines like Terminator told me would happen.

In 9 years the United states government will be unable to fly anything into space, but you as a citizen would be able to. (they canceled Nasa space shuttles and ect projects)

In 9 years I’ll still be me, just a prettier, wiser, me with more character.

In 9 years I’ll still be trying to understand twitter.

In 9 years the world will be a different place?

In 9 years the world will be the same place?

What do you think will be true in 9 years?




PS true story:

I recently bought something at Best buy. When at the counter the cashier asked me if I wanted to pay an additional 15 dollars for the geek squad warrantee. My response: “I am the Geek Squad.” I enjoyed it but only because I was thinking of a certain sceen froma certain movie at the time. What movie was I thinking about??